Active Investors Portfolio cover

Active Investors Portfolio

Instructor: CA Arun Tiwari

Language: Hindi

Enrolled Learners: 21

Validity Period: Lifetime

₹5000 including 18% GST

50 M2M Coins as Cashback

Available on website

Active-Investors are a bunch of smart investors who earn double income on their same portfolio using some basic hedging strategies and make 24% to 36% on a consistent basis. 

In this course, CA Arun Tiwari brought to you all those points to transform your simple investment portfolio into a smart portfolio. 

This course is a practical course with:- 

- 12 Videos Topic

- 3 Format in PDF and Excel To create, manage and review the active portfolio

This course is suitable for all those serious investors who are interested in long-term appreciation but at the same time want to create a portfolio that can give them an above-average written without exposing them to risk.

This is not for traders or wanna be quick rich. This is a simple course to explain to the investor how to create, manage and Review Active investors portfolio


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